Creating a Blogging Plateform

Helping FelinoPedia's mission to reach millons

A go-to resource for everything feline! A website that offers a wealth of information to help you better understand and care for your feline companion. A comprehensive articles on cat health and wellness, expert veterinarian advice, and a rich tapestry of cat breeds. FelinoPedia is a blog webiste that supports the journey of cat parenthood.

The Mont-Vu Advantage

We’ve played a crucial role in helping FelinoPedia create their blogging website from scratch. Thanks to our collaboration, FelinoPedia is now a go-to destination for cat lovers looking for reliable and valuable information about their furry friends.


Online Digital Publishing Business is a comprehensive online blog dedicated to all things feline. The mission is to provide cat owners with reliable and up-to-date information on cat health, veterinarian advice, adoptions, and breed characteristics. The website is for new cat parents, as well as experienced ones, and offers a wealth of resources to help better understand and care for domestic cats. FelinoPedia is your go-to source for all things related to cats.

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Starting From Scratch


When the founders of FelinoPedia first had the idea to create an online blog, one of the main challenges was not knowing how to build a website. The founders had no prior experience in web design or coding. They spent countless hours researching and learning about website development, but they still struggled to create a functional and visually appealing site.

Another challenge was choosing the right platform for their blog. They had to decide which one would be the best fit for their needs. They had to consider factors such as cost, ease of use, and customization options before making a decision.

This was all overwhelming for them.


What We Brought To The Table

As a new website, it needed a strong presence on the internet in order to attract readers and establish itself as a reliable source of information for cat lovers. We understood this need and came up with a comprehensive plan to help FelinoPedia achieve its goals.

The first step in creating FelinoPedia’s blogging website was designing a visually appealing layout that would capture the attention of visitors. We worked closely with the FelinoPedia team to understand their vision and target audience, and came up with a design that was both attractive and user-friendly. We also ensured that the website was optimized for mobile devices, as more and more people are accessing the internet through their smartphones.

The next step was developing the website itself. We used the latest technology to create a website that was not only visually appealing but also fast, responsive, and easy to navigate. We also integrated various features such as a search bar, social media buttons, and a contact form to enhance user experience.

Once the website was up and running, We continued to provide their services by optimizing it for search engines. Through keyword research and on-site optimization, we helped FelinoPedia’s website rank higher in search engine results pages, making it more visible to potential readers. We also offered guidance on creating high-quality content that would attract and engage readers.



Connections Made

Thanks to our expertise and dedication, FelinoPedia was able to launch its blogging website successfully and reach a wider audience. We continue to work together, constantly improving and updating the website to ensure that it remains a top source of information for cat lovers all over the world.

cat mom

Finished Work

Click on the following link to visit the client’s website:

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A Digital Marketing Agency for local Businesses in Montreal

Our goal is to help businesses of all sizes increase their online presence, drive website traffic, and ultimately boost sales through effective digital marketing strategies. We specialize in content writing, copywriting, and website design and development for businesses in the Greater Montreal Area and the province of Quebec.